Youth Red Cross
Fundamental Principles of YRC are:
The Fundamental Principles of the international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, namely: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, and Universality the Indian Red Cross Society acts as an auxiliary to the state in the carrying out of humanitarian activities. It also provides a range of services, including disaster relief, health and social welfare programmers in the country. During wartime, the society works as auxiliary to the armed forces medical services and also assists the affected civilian as per the Geneva Conventions.
The Indian Red Cross Society aims to inspire, encourage and initiate at all times, all forms of humanitarian activities so that human suffering can be minimized, alleviated and even prevented, thus contribute to creating a more congenial climate for peace.
Youth Red Cross programmers are an integral part of the strategic approach taken by the Indian Red Cross Society. We value the diverse and important roles that young people perform as innovators, inter-cultural ambassadors, peer educators, community mobilizes, and most importantly, agents of behavioral change and advocates for vulnerable people. When working alongside older generations in a spirit of mutual respect, young people bring much needed ideas and skills. The promotion of knowledge transfer and growth, combined with the personal guidance that older, more experienced volunteers of the Red Cross can offer, is seen as a key approach to developing tomorrow’s generation of leaders, today. Our junior and youth programmers help the Indian Red Cross Society to implement the Fundamental Principles of our Movement through: International Humanitarian Law The protection of health and life Community service Promotion of national and international friendship and understanding by using the international links of the Movement.